Company registry fee

Please note that the above is due for payment by all companies, active or not, during the month of February.

The sum payable is nis 943 and from March 1 it becomes nis nis 1,252.

In my experience many people forget to pay this item, partly because the demand usually goes astray and also because in the past, apart from the drastic increase for missing the due date, there were no teeth to collection of unpaid debts by the department concerned. All this is now in the past and you are urged to pay up. There are supposedly complicated new regulations in place to cancel the arrears of companies which have totally closed down, but I have been trying without success to implement them for some time.

If you have not received the demand (or even if you have) you may pay by credit card at (if you have Hebrew problems switch to Unicode), where you will also see any arrears you may owe. If you wish, I will do this for you so long as I have details of your credit card.

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