Instructions for employees at more than one employer

I am attaching an announcement by btl (in Hebrew).

Simply put, if a client of mine employs somebody who also has income from another source or sources greater than that received from my client, as you will recall I have to hit the entire secondary salary for higher rate bituah leumi/dmei briut, which has now reached 12% (not including the employer's portion) instead of 3.5%.

That is a much bigger difference than is generally realised, and many people have just been paying it instead of going to get a certificate instructing me to save them their money. Now they can fax their payslips from each employer to 02-5001287 (irrespective of where they live or work) giving their address and phone number and supposedly they will get the certificate by mail.

This is relevant to people who receive less than nis 4522 (and NOT as shown in the attached article!) from their main place of work.

This procedure should hopefully also work for high earners who get a gross salary from all sources exceeding nis 35760 per month, except that the above fax number won't work for them. If their secondary employer is based in Jerusalem the fax number is 02-6245895.

Link to PDF announcement.

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